Friday, November 12, 2010

GiRl TaLk!!!?

K, so here`s the deal. i really really like this guy. he is now a senior and im a junior. Ive never actually talked to him, so i doubt he nows that i like him. i have liked him for a year now. i am a super super shy girl. i really want to go out with him, i just dont now how to go about getting to that point!!!GiRl TaLk!!!?
how cn u like him if uve never even talked to him?GiRl TaLk!!!?
just ask him and see wat he says
Well, first of all you NEED to talk to him. Try 'accidently' bumping into him, asking him to borrow something, just saying HI!, anything to start a conversation. Then you can start being flirty and whatever else and see if he's interest in you and you get a connection. Then it should flow eaily from there. =] hope this helps!
You know what? Think about it like this, what's the worst thing that could happen if you'd went to him and say hello.

Go intruduce yourself, or live the rest of your life wondering ';If I'd only said something...!';
ive had that same problem too !!!! so be brave, practice wat u'll say to him and just go up to him one day. just dont ask in front of all his friends !! XD
Tell him you found some awesome notes for class off of the Internet and ask him for his email. I always found it easier to write it than actually saying it person to person. After you have his email, casually send him one every so often- if he replies chances are he's into you, too.

Good luck!
i think you are infatuated with his looks considering you have never spoken to him, how can you like him?
first, try talking to him.

if you're shy, then talk to him when he's not with his friends or something .
catch him inbetween classes, at lunch, or in the library, or somewhere, smile at him, show him that you exsist, say hi, introduce yourself, leave your name and number on a peice of paper in his locker or pass him a note in the hallway with you name and number on it and see if he calls, also, leave a lil note on the paper about how you want to see him, or that you think he is cute, or some sexy comment on it.... if he likes you, he will call, if not, move on
I am studying for my PhD in in psychology and shyness is a big topic. Everybody has different personalities and your feelings are normal. So, working with who you are and your age, here is my advice. First, find out a way to let him know your interested. If you have any common friends, or if there is someone you could let know that would help you. More directly, if your really interested, then it is possible to let him know by being near him in casual ways. The idea is to be in touch with your nervousness and how your body feels when near him. Then, just let the feeling come over you that it would be OK if he knew that you liked him. The theory is that we communicate in many ways and to allow our hearts and feelings communicate for us as well. Think of it as a mental convention or setting an intention. We are working with our own minds that have many competing interests. What you are experiencing is one of the great joys in life; interest in another person that you are not related to. No matter what way it goes, enjoy the specialness of how you feel and what that says about you. Good luck and congratulations.

if you dont you may never see him again thinka bout it. you cant let age stop you!!!
What i would do is ';accidentally'; bump into him in the hall and you know ';oops I'm sorry'; then just start up a conversation like how lunch is or what it was like. Or just say like ';aren't you ..............'; Yes whatever well Nice to meet you................ And go on from there.

Hope my advice worked,

i don't think that stewing over the same guy for a year is healthy at your age. do you guys have any common interest? If so, sell him on that. Say You wanna go to the nicks game on friday with me? do it that way. you'll be bonded by your common interest
OK girlfriend here's the deal,

go talk to him it's not like he is going to kill you are kidnap your family the worst thing he can do is say no if you ask him out an then just move on. But you should go for it!
Just get to it. Talk to him. Get to know each other and see where it goes. Remember not to rush! Don't do something you may regret. Make sure it's real before you give more of you than you expected.
  • sort of mormon repellent
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