Don't be shy. Women like confident men believe me.
Just go up and start talking to her about something. Ask her how her day is...tell her she looks nice etc etc etc...
I would talk to her a little before asking her out. Do it when you feel comfortable and its the right time. Maybe start by asking her if she wants to hang out some time. If she seems uncomfortable invite other friends so it does not seem like a date.
Good luck!How to ask a girl to a movies? And how do I talk to a girl without getting shy?
There's nothing unusual about being shy. There are a lot of us out there. People are either categorized as extraverts or intraverts. You're one or the other. Probably even some extraverts are uneasy about asking girls out.
Just remember, she's just a person. I used to think there was such a mystery about asking girls out, what to talk about. I was always afraid of making a fool of myself. (Unfortunately I did too because of my lack of confidence and lack of skill in communication.) But she might feel just as uneasy.
Always focus on her, not on yourself. Ask her anything and everything about herself, her life, her likes, dislikes, views, opinions, beliefs, ...and compliment her. Take this approach when breaking the ice before asking her out and when you are with her on a date. (Also be sincere about it. We reap what we sow.) Once you have broken the ice, just casually ask, ';Hey, would you like to see a movie with me?';
well when youre with your friends and you talk to her just ask her about her day... ask how school was... what shes up to over the weekend... then be you could be like oooooo that movie comes out this weekend... and you could start talkin about that... then if she seems interested in seein the movie you wanna watch then be like oh we should see it this weekend... then try to go from there
just go up to her and talk about ~anything~
just say something to her, just don't insult her
Just mention to her that you are going to go see ';what ever movie'; and ask her if she wants to go. It's lot easier if you already know when and where before you ask.
Just make sure you pick a movie you like. This way if she checks she'll know you've gone.
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