Thursday, October 28, 2010

How to convince a girl to have physical relations? help!?

I have a weird problem, I like a girl and I want to make physical relationship (ie. S E *X) with her, since Indian girls are very sensitive, So I am scared of any worse may happen. many of my friends have physical relations with girls, But I am confused how do they talk girls about this matter, even I can't talk them (girls) casually coz I am a shy-boy?How to convince a girl to have physical relations? help!?
Sex should happen naturally. It shouldn't be forced. If ur trying to convince a girl, then u know she's not ready...and well...there's no point in having sex with her then. So what if all ur friends have done it? That's their business. If u want, u can just lie to them, until ur ready, and u find a girl that is too. If u convince a girl to do something like that, she'll regret it later and blame u, and herself. IT's best to wait for marriage, but if not, atleast wait until both parties are old enough ,and consent. And always use protection if u don't want to deal with unintended consequences.How to convince a girl to have physical relations? help!?
u shouldnt try to compete with ur friends...u should just let it happen naturally..dont pressure her into having sex with u cuz thats wrong..if she wants to wait then u have to wait too
why it a weired problem??? it is a common problem in INDIA,people take sex as a criminal,unpardonable offence, even u will like to have sex with Ur girl friend but if at later stage,u get problem with her and could not patch up with her then ???just imagine,Ur girl friend had friendship with someone before and now c loves u and u come to know that c had sex with him,in Ur eye,--===from Ur angle it is unpardonable offence c has committed which u want to do in INDIA where man mind set is guilty.pls for Ur pure love pray and enjoy she friendship till u marry at least in India, for girl's safety.
Sex is a really natural step in the maintenance of a serious relationship. It'll happen in due course. Just make sure you always carry protection around with you.

You should be comfortable enough with your girlfriend/boyfriend to be able to discuss the subject of sex with him/her openly and you should bare that in mind when you decide to take things further.

Why not talk to her about it over the Internet or on the phone? That way you wont have to blush or squirm when you're talking to her and it'll take the pressure off you both.

I'm sure she's probably just as nervous and apprehensive about this as you are.

Good luck :)
DUDE sex is not important to express your love to a girl . keeping someone happy is the right meaning of love. tell you the truth. you are just jealous that your other friend had S** with their girl and you did not have S** with your girl. you are not a shy-boy

you know how to respect and treat a girl. you are scare to lose her so you are asking suggestion to have S** with her b/c you are just jealous of your friend.
in matters like these women have eyes even in their backs. i mean they are very keen and sharp. your g.f will be certainly aware of your feelings. Be close to her. Imagine a situation when she would want to open her heart to you, and be that way and wait. it will happen. and when it happens you will be the happiest man in the world.atleast for the moment and if it dosent happen, be sure that your picture should be added to the Hall of fame, because you have given unconditional love.
just praise them physical appearance and start
first of all stop comparing yourself to others...if ur frns r doin all d bad things doesnt mean even u to indugle in with luv is the most beautiful thing on earth...without luv u will be satisfied but not if u like d girl give ur relation some time n space n it will happen soon...if she is not ur gf then i doubt as u said i cant even talk to a girl...then jst keep hopin...
Hey do tat only if she is interested......... Or else leave tat idea........
If u can't even talk to a girl, then ur not ready to convince her to sleep with u. Besides, she should want to sleep with u naturally, so only a little pushing would be needed. Yes, u talk to her first. U don't want to surprise a girl with that. Just wait a couple of years and get courage to talk to girls. Then maybe u can have a chance with her. But also remember...some guys just talk, it doesn't mean they did anything. Just dont give in to peer pressure or horomones before ur ready....and she's ready. it would be more special that way, and u want ur first times to be special...I know she'd want it that way.
Please don't take any aggressive step at the advice of some friends. It happens naturally. You can try out to watch romantic movies. If both of you are on the same wavelenth, then it will happen naturally.
dude no
Hey man you cant just jump her bones. You need to give it some time and slowly round the bases and you will send the message across. If she is willing you will get signals and try to recognize it!
u r shy?

i hope not.

if u like here and she likes relationship ok.

but don't force her.

friends will say so many things but u have Ur thought or brain Na,think wise and take good decision
You are a boy so you should not have sex until you are a ';MAN';! You can't be responsible for any relationship! What if you got someone pregnant? You can't even spell

so anyone can understand you!
Just say will you be my girl or just say that can I go out with you. Just take it slow!
I don't konw what to say.
Just cause your friends are doing dosn't mean you have to, also, it sounds like you guys havn't been togther long cause then you wouldn't be shy. so you shouldn't be having sex.
If your not ready to even talk to her about than don't do it, friends can talk nonsense just to show off so don't believe everything they say. Take it slow, start by connecting with her in other aspects if then you feel that she's sending you signals, it may come easier for both of you to talk about it.

Since you going to be comfortable with each other.

First make sure she feels the some way, if she does don't jump to it, you have to make it nice. if she is not interested don't go there you may be the laugh of your friends or a complete jerk to her.

Take time, be more comfortable with yourself then everything will be easier. Good Luck.

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