Sunday, December 11, 2011

How to talk to a girl you're going out with ?

So, me and this girl Marisa are going out.

And she's really shy around me, and I'm shy around her, we used to talk a lot before we started going out though.

So how do you start up a nice conversation with a girl ?

Any tips are greatly appreciated.How to talk to a girl you're going out with ?
A good way to get to know her better and to have things to talk about is to play Truth. This is where you can ask the other person anything, from silly things, like what your favorite ice cream flavor is or what your favorite cartoon was as a kid, to more serious questions, like what is the one thing that you would die for, or what is your most important dream for your future. The person always has to tell you the truth.How to talk to a girl you're going out with ?
if you dont know how to talk to them , or theres not enough chemistry to keep up the conversation you shouldnt be dating in the first place.
ummm you probably shouldnt be dating her
i think if u cant talk about anything then its not really a relationship now is it? i think u should just bring up a topic that u know she can relate with, and that you can also. it sounds like u two were friends, so u should have plenty to talk about.

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