Sunday, December 11, 2011

How Can I Talk To A Girl I'm Interested in if She always Runs Away from Me?

Okay, so there's this girl I'm interested in, and I've been reminded from time to time by EVERYONE in my family even cousins, aunts, uncles,etc. So I finally worked up the courage to talk to her, but just my luck. Every time I try to look for her she disappears with her friends. So I hate to be a burden, but can someone please tell me what to do? Also, I need some advice on what to say/do If I eventually catch her.How Can I Talk To A Girl I'm Interested in if She always Runs Away from Me?
Leave her a simple note somewhere you know that she'll find it. If she seems to stop running away from you then talk to her and tell her you like her. If her behavior doesn't change leave her alone.How Can I Talk To A Girl I'm Interested in if She always Runs Away from Me?

Then bring her to a nice restaurant. : )
Take the hint buddy. She's simply not interested.
pin her down and say girl i really like you do you like me too.

shell most likely say yes. than take her to dinner
Well my friend this is one of those things,cat and mouse.

She runs you chase her....and let me tell you. This never ends my friend. And when you do catch her,keep it simple and sweet. DO give up Bro.
You may be scaring her away without even knowing it. Try and get her in one place and don't be cool talk gently
Well maybe she isn't interested and chasing her and basically stalking her to try and get her attention might not help anything. She could also be shy and just afraid to talk to you because she is nervous so she might avoid the situation completely. I would just let it go and if it happens it happens but don't push it because it will push her away even more. There must be some reason why she's running so you might want to figure that out first. If she is interested and you do finally have a chance to talk to her just make casual conversation like you would if you saw a friend somewhere. Just say hey whats up and how are you and let the conversation take it's course. You can't exactly plan something like that, just let it fall in the empty spaces.
Wow, that's tough

Try to talk to her when none of her friends are there

Thing is she might be terribly shy, and running away because she likes you

I know it sounds insane, but trust me i have done that to a few guys i have liked

Just tell her how it is, that you really like her, and wanna hang out sometime

If she is too nervous make it a group hangout thing:)
lawl kidnap her...thats foolish, heres what you do! tell her one of my flawless pickup lines(ordered from great to wonderful):

4your mouth,my dick, lets get started

3its not rape if i yell surprise

2you'd look nice with a crowbar up ur @$$

1im not a stalker im a follower
Yeah, I'm thinking you should take the hint. If she were interested and even THOUGHT there may be a CHANCE you were coming her way, she wouldn't move a muscle! Stop chasing. If, by chance, you happen to run into her, then ask her out. Just don't waste your time running after her. You'll only cause yourself lots of grief. And who knows? maybe if you stop chasing, she'll think twice about you, instead of always thinking of ways to run from you! Good luck!
Maybe she thinks you're stalking her?


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