Sunday, December 11, 2011

How to talk to a girl I like but never talked to?

There's this girl at my high-school that is younger than me and I like 99% sure she likes me and I obviously like her too but I got no idea hw to start a conversation with her. I see her at lunch sometimes, but I never know how to start talking to her... Any advice?How to talk to a girl I like but never talked to?
Walk up to her and smile. DO NOT do anything else. Just keep smiling. She will get the hint.How to talk to a girl I like but never talked to?
But be sure you don't smile creepily if a guy came up to me and just kept smiling it might creep me out... Why not say hi as well....

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Stare at her and smile while you walk by. When she sits down at the lunch table go up with one of your friends and say lets sit her today. Sit right across the table from her and she'll know. You guys will start talking it will be like second nature to you in a couple of days!
compliment her somehow, ask what she did/is doing in the weekend, anything to get a conversation going. try and get her alone so there isnt the intimadation of her/your friends.
Start slow, she'll get the hint.

Maybe look at her and smile. Then find ways to be closer to where she is. Within a week it should probably be less awkward to strike a conversation when you guys see each other around regularly for a while.

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